An addiction almost always begins gradually. It may start with going to parties and “partying hard,” and progresses to drinking/using every night. It may also develop from mirroring a parent who drinks or does drugs.
Even if you think using alcohol or drugs makes you feel better, it’s not healthy when you use too much. The effects of alcohol or drugs and the cycle of use alters you to a point that you’re not yourself anymore. The addiction has a hold on you then, but there is a way to reclaim yourself.
Substance abuse counseling can help get you on track to getting you back to being you again. But what does that entail? Read on to get a sense of how addiction counseling helps and where you can go in the Atlanta and Alpharetta areas for outstanding treatment that works.
What Happens During Substance Abuse Counseling?
Substance abuse counseling happens one-on-one with your addiction therapist. You and the counselor (privately and confidentially) talk about the people, places, and events which trigger your addictive behaviors and lead to using drugs or alcohol.
Your counselor helps you set realistic goals for regaining normalized daily function and control over your addictive tendencies. A major part of substance abuse counseling is forming workable strategies for dealing with life’s stresses and replacing harmful habits with healthier ones.
Questions Asked During Your First Counseling Session
At your first individual session, your counselor may ask you questions such as:
- When do you usually drink alcohol and/or use drugs?
- How much do you drink or use drugs at a time?
- How does it make you feel when you drink or use drugs?
- How do you feel when you’re coming down off of the substance each time?
- Do you have a high-stress job, unsupportive family environment, and/or family history of addiction?
- What have you done (if anything) to try to drink less or to use drugs less frequently?
Goals that Are Explored During Substance Abuse Counseling
Here are some of the measurable goals you may set during addiction therapy:
- Reducing and eventually eliminating addictive behaviors and the use of drugs or alcohol
- Attending Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings regularly
- Restoring or finding employment
- Re-committing to family, work, spirituality, and engaging with other people on a regular basis
- Optimizing physical health and engaging in exercise you enjoy doing (biking, swimming, etc.)
- Employing strategies to avoid using alcohol or drugs, and avoiding the triggers and temptations
Addiction Therapy in Atlanta and Alpharetta
Complete recovery from your addiction takes time, patience, commitment, and a multidisciplinary approach. At Atlanta Specialized Care, we use treatment techniques such as counseling, cognitive therapy, group therapy, and more, depending on your individual situation and what would work best in your case.
Our Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Erin Mills, has experience with various assessments and screenings that can be used for individuals experiencing addiction issues. She believes that this is the basis of creating a successful treatment plan that can lead patients to the best outcome.
You can conquer substance and alcohol abuse and addiction, and we’re here to help every step of the way.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact our caring staff at Atlanta Specialized Care today by calling (770) 815-6853 or by filling out our appointment request form online now. We have locations in Atlanta and Alpharetta, and we look forward to hearing from you.